Tag Archives: kintoki

Reason of the Season #1

Autumn has officially arrived!

Cool breezes and a comfy climate make Autumn the best time to get things done, and look after yourself.

In Japan we have a saying that Autumn is a time for reading, a time for sports, and a time to build up a good appetite. It’s an all-around easy to live with time of year, and the fine weather makes it easy to concentrate on whatever is in front of you, whether it be reading, study, or work.

It’s also a good time to to work up a sweat, which is part of the reason why this time of year is the traditional period for sports days in kindergartens and schools. But, all that work means you end up with a big appetite as well, and eating properly and well helps keep you in good shape.

The good news is – no matter what you eat this time of year, it tastes great!

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